22. 04. 2016.
UNS: Sutra sedamnaest godina od ratnog zločina nad radnicima RTS-a
Udruženje novinara Srbije (UNS) podseća da se 23. aprila u 02.06 sati navršava 17 godina od ubistva 16 medijskih radnika u NATO bombardovanju RTS-a. Bombardovanjem RTS-a 1999. godine ustanovljena je praksa upotrebe vojne sile protiv medija u međunarodnim sukobima, uprkos tome što su oni civilni objekti i ne smeju biti vojni cilj.
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Za ovaj ratni zločin do sada je jedino odgovarao tadašnji direktor RTS-a Dragoljub Milanović, koji je izdržao kaznu zatvora od deset godina jer nije preduzeo mere da se zaposleni RTS-a zaštite i evakuišu nakon pretnji da će zgrada biti bombardovana.
UNS ističe da su sve značajne globalne organizacije za zaštitu ljudskih prava osudile ubijanje civila u RTS-u, a da Amnesti internešenel nameran napad na zgradu RTS-a kao civilni objekat i ubijanje 16 medijskih radnika smatra ratnim zločinom.
UNS podseća da je Evropska federacija novinara (EFJ) na Skupštini u Beogradu 2011. godine pozvala svoje članice da se pridruže UNS-u i SINOS-u prilikom obeležavanja 23. aprila, Dana sećanja na 16 medijskih radnika ubijenih u NATO bombardovanju RTS-a.
UNS podržava i ceni dosadašnji rad Komisije za istraživanje ubistava novinara i očekuje da će ona imati ključnu ulogu u rasvetljavanju svih okolnosti ubistva 16 medijskih radnika.
UNS se pridružuje inicijativi Komisije da pozove Komitet za zaštitu novinara iz Njujorka da promeni odluku i na svoju listu ubijenih novinara i medijskih radnika uvrsti i 16 radnika RTS-a.
Journalists' Association of Serbia: Tomorrow is the commemoration of the 17-year anniversary of the war crime against Radio Television of Serbia employees
The Journalists' Association of Serbia [in Serbian, Udruženje novinara Srbije - UNS] would like to remind that as of the 23rd of April at 02:06AM 17 years have passed from the murder of 16 media workers during the NATO bombing of the Radio Television of Serbia [RTS]. By bombing the RTS in 1999, the practice of using military force against the media in international conflicts was established, despite the fact that these are civilian buildings and cannot be considered military targets.
The only person that was held responsible thus far for the aforementioned war crime was the former RTS director Dragoljub Milanovic, who served a 10-year prison sentence to which he was convicted because he failed to take the necessary measures to protect and evacuate the RTS employees after the threats of bombing the building were made.
UNS would like to emphasize the fact that all relevant global human rights organizations have condemned the killing of civilians within RTS premises, while Amnesty International considers this deliberate attack on the RTS building, which was civilian in its nature, and the murder of 16 media employees a war crime.
UNS recalls that, at its assembly held in 2011 in Belgrade, the European Federation of Journalists [EFJ] invited its members to join UNS and the Union of Journalists of Serbia in commemorating the 23rd of April - the Day of Remembrance of 16 media workers killed during the NATO bombing of RTS.
UNS supports and appreciates the work of the Commission for the Investigation of Murders of Journalists performed thus far, and expects that it will play a key role in shedding light on all the circumstances related to the killing of 16 media workers.
UNS joins the initiative of the aforementioned Commission that aims to call upon the Committee to Protect Journalists from New York to change its decision and include the 16 RTS employees on its list of journalists and media workers killed in the line of duty.
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