18. 02. 2014.
Konkurs za novinara u UNICEF-u
Kancelarija UNICEF-a u Srbiji raspisala je konkurs za novinara koji bi za zaduženje imao da napiše tekst i proizvede video sadržaj o aktivnostima UNICEF-a.
Odabrani kandidat pratiće aktivnosti kancelarije UNICEF-a u Srbiji u cilju informisanja međunarodne i nacionalne javnosti, potencijalnih donatora kao i UNICEF u regionu i svetu.
Procenjeno trajanje zadatka je od 10. marta do 30. juna 2014. godine, u ukupnom iznosu od 25 radnih dana.
Rok za podnošenje prijava je 26. februar 2014. godine. Više informacija o konkursu možete pronaći ovde.
Konkurs na engleskom prenosimo u celosti.
For Consultants and Contractors
February 2014
1. Purpose of Consultancy Contract: To provide journalistic services for documenting UNICEF Serbia Office programmatic activities and impact on children through stories in text and for video
UNICEF promotion of and advocacy for child rights in Serbia requires communication products in text and video formats in English language that document the impact of UNICEF’s work on children and families in selected programmaticareas.
The Office is in need of an English language speaking journalist to produce human interest /feature stories in the print format and the format for the production of videos.
2. Objectives of the Consultancy Contract with expected results /outcome / products:
The objective of the consultancy is to document in writing and in video format the UNICEF Serbia Office activities and results for children in selected programmatic areas in order to inform the international and national public and potential donors, as well UNICEF globally and regionally through traditional and new media channels.
2.1. Work Assignment
a) Write 4human interest/feature stories and articles on children and families in Serbia, illustrating the impact of UNICEF’s work in the areas of preschool education, inclusive education, adolescent and youth empowerment, community-based services for children with disabilities, young child development.
The stories should:
- be 500 – 1,000 words in length
- contain examples that illustrate key ideas
- contain quotes from the people involved, people who are knowledgeable in or connected with a particular issue, and UNICEF staff
- include names of people involved and ages of children
b) Prepare stories for 4videos of 3 – 5 minutes in length that illustrate text stories
- write shotlist, scripts and production notes, and interview transcripts
- record voiceover narration for video stories;
- work with video editor to edit video files to the required length and format(s) and be responsible for the final video products
2.2. Deliverables
- 4 text stories and 4 video stories
2.3 Property Rights
UNICEF shall hold all property rights, such as copyrights, patents, and registered trademarks on matters related to, or derived from the work carried through this contract with UNICEF.
3. Details on how work should be delivered: Electronically and on DVD in English
4. Performance indicators for evaluation of results:
- Ability to document in text and video formats appropriate stories in the field
- Quality multimedia source materials
- Timeliness, accuracy and efficiency
5. Definition of supervision arrangements: The consultant will be supervised by the Communication Officer in close cooperation with Programme Specialists
6. Description of official travel involved: The consultancy requires travel within Serbia. Travel will be organised by UNICEF and the consultant will be accompanied by UNICEF staff member(s).
Travel costs will be paid as per UN rules and regulations in accordance with the agreed travel plan.
7. Duration of the agreement: 10 March - 30 June 2014, totaling 25 working days
8. Terms of payment: Payment will be effected via bank transfer upon the finalisation of each assignment and submission of an invoice. Travel costs will be paid as per UN rules and regulations.
9. UNICEF recourse in case of unsatisfactory performance: UNICEF will reduce
payments based on the amount of work completed to satisfactory standards
10. Support provided by UNICEF:
- Detailed briefing and background materials for each specific task
- UNICEF video and story guidelines
- Video subject release forms to be signed by subjects filmed and interviewed, and parents or legal guardians of children under the age of 18
- Transportation to the locations
- An interpreter
- Permissions for interviewing and/or filming children where needed
11. Qualifications/specialized knowledge/experience required to complete the task:
- Journalism background and other media experience showing ability to create content for specific audience in text and for video formats
- Demonstrated technical competence
- Experienced in developing multimedia source content
- Excellent command of written and oral English language (native speaker has an advantage)
- Excellent writing skills
- Based in Serbia
- Work experience covering UNICEF’s work, and familiarity with development issues is a plus
- Ability to meet deadlines
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