17. 01. 2014.
Konkurs za konsultanta u Ambasadi Kraljevine Norveške
Ambasada Kraljevine Norveške raspisala je konkurs za konsultanta iz oblasti komunikacija i odnosa sa medijima. Ambasadi je potreban konsultant radi održavanja i razvijanja odnosa Ambasade Kraljevine Norveške sa medijskim zajednicama u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Makedoniji, kao i za razvoj komunikacione strategije i pisanje vesti na sajtu Ambasade .
Tekst konkursa prenosimo u celosti.
Call for offer of services:
Short-term consultant for the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade on communication, press and media relations
The purpose of the engagement is for the Embassy to acquire assistance in maintaining and developing the Embassy’s relations with the Serbian, Montenegrin and Macedonian media communities, developing communication strategies and enhancing the production of news and publications through the Embassy’s web page www.norveska.org.rs
The Embassyis seeking a person or company to provide services on an ad hoc/stand-by basis for the period throughout 2014. The selected service provider will be considered for contract prolongation/revision beyond 2014 after a trial period of 6 months.
See the Terms of Reference (ToR) below.
The offer of servicesshould includea motivation Letter, at least two references and CVand should by 16:00h Friday 7th of February 2014be sent or delivered in sealed envelope to:
Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade
Milentija Popovica 5a
11070 Novi Beograd
For the attention of councellor Roger Jorgensen
1. Background
Services related to communication, press and media relations are needed primarily in relation to Norway’s development assistance and cooperation with Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. Norway’s assistance is organised inthree programs:
- I. The Embassy Fund. Managed by the Embassy in Belgrade for a wide variety of projects from both civil society and the public sector, for projects up to the eqv. of € 100.000 in Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia.
- II. Strengthening Civil Society. The overall goal of this grant scheme managed by the Embassy is to strengthen the participation and contribution of civil society to the social and political development in Serbia through advocacy work and monitoring of political and public institutions’ performance.
- III. Government to Government projects. These projects are managed by the Western Balkans Section in the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The projects are clustered in “bilateral packages” according to country. Parallel clusters exist for Serbia, Montenegro and Macedonia. Profile, modalities, thematic and financial scope vary for the three clusters. The Embassy is following up the projects at local level.
2. The parties and key personnel
The Consultantwill carry out assignments in close cooperation with the staff of the Embassy and/or designated contact persons in MFA Norway. The main contact person at the Embassy will be Councellor/Deputy Head of Mission Roger Jørgensen.
3. The assignment
Any contracted assignment may be composed of the elements:
- Development and management of media relations related to events hosted by the Embassy or events where the Embassy is a stakeholder or participant.
- Production of articles, info sheets and other materials related to projects and events financed by Norway.
- Providing assistance and advice on communication strategies and website development.
- Performing monthly media analysis
- Preparing speeches and communication material for the Embassy
- 4. Qualifications
Biddersshouldbe a person of minimum 25 years of age, or in case of a company provide a profile of the human resources available which complies with the listed requirements:
- Adequate education background
- Minimum 2 years of relevant work experience from a media outlet
- Fluency in English
- Knowledge of Norwegian language is an advantage
- Experience with development aid policies and strategies, reform and transition policies and project support is an asset
Bidders should especially demonstrate available experience and competence in:
- Journalistic production, specified in terms of nature and media category
- Website management and development
- Communication strategy development
5. Time schedule and milestones
Time schedule, milestones and scope of work shall be agreed upon between the Consultant and the Embassy according to the nature of each assignment.
6. Remuneration/Fees
The daily rate chargeable by the Consultant shall be limited to the RSD equivalent to € 120.
The Consultant will maintain ICT equipment necessary for the execution of the consultancy.
Travel and other local costs will not becovered for activities within the city of Belgrade.
Travel costs, per diem and other relevant costs for execution of consultancy activities outside Belgrade or abroad will be compensated according to prior agreement and according to specification of the consultancy assignment.
Any self-employedbidder must upon contracting with the Embassy document his/her registration facilitating self-employment.
The rate paid by the Embassy according to invoices issued by the consultant shall cover all social costs and insurances necessary for the consultant to operate in accordance with local legislation.
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