Остали конкурси
12. 06. 2014.
Позив модним фотографима за учешће у New Wave пројекту
Компанија Maybelline New York позива модне фотографе да се пријаве за учешће у пројекту New Wave. New Wave је јавна изложба едиторијала нове генерације модних фотографа из Србије, Босне и Херцеговине, Хрватске, Словеније и Македоније.
Изабрани фотографи ће уз помоћ ментора Мише Обрадовића на 10 задатих тема направити едиторијале који ће бити изложени на 10 билборда и у 20 возила градског саобраћаја од септембра до децембра 2014. године.
Рок за пријаву је 5. јул 2014. године.
Пријаву на конкурс, која треба да садржи 10 фотографија, као и контакт информације аутора, послати на мејл newave.project@gmail.com.
Kонкурс у оригиналу налази се у наставку.
New Wave Project Open Call
New Wave Project by Maybelline New York represents the largest regional public exhibition of fashion editorials where 10 new photographers of the generation from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia, FYR Macedonia and Serbia will participate.
Out of all applications the project mentor, fashion photographer, Miša Obradović will select 10 photographers who will realize editorials on 10 given topics, which will be exhibited on 10 billboards and in 20 public transport vehicles from September to December 2014.
The idea of the project is based on the problem of undeveloped fashion market in Serbia and in this region, as well as the inability to see creative work of young authors beyond the circle of their friends on social network
During three months this public space will be a place to promote a new wave of fashion creators. The idea is to get out of the indoor exhibition space, to revive a public art space and thousands of people each day on their way to work or getting home will have the opportunity to enjoy the unique exhibition in the region.
In addition, the idea is to promote new fashion photographers, the project aims to provide young authors the opportunity to go through the process of work in professional terms, in a timely manner and with the requirements of the client, in this case with the project mentor and artistic team. Collaborating with photographers from the region, the goal is to create a network of photographers, designers and producers in the field of fashion.
Submission of application on: newave.project@gmail.com
Application needs to consist of:
-10 photographs that express authors’ aesthetics
-contact details
Deadline for entries: 5th July 2014.
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