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28. 07. 2022.

Аутор: Ecpmf.eu Извор: Ecpmf.eu

ECPMF seeks a Programmes and Policy intern

This internship is a part of a project funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). It includes an active involvement in the activities of the Journalists-in-Residence Programme, as well as regular cooperation with the advocacy officer and communications team.


This internship is a part of a project funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). It includes an active involvement in the activities of the Journalists-in-Residence Programme, as well as regular cooperation with the advocacy officer and communications team. 

Your tasks:

- Assisting the Journalists-in-Residence programme manager

- Help organising language courses and professional workshops for the journalists-in-residence

- Contribution to the production of interviews and feature articles on media freedom violations

- Contribution to other advocacy and communications tasks

 About you:

- You are interested in journalism, media freedom and human rights

- You are studying in a field such as journalism, human rights studies, political sciences or European studies, law, communications and media studies, or history

- You are fluent in English and have a working knowledge of German. Other languages including Russian and Turkish are an advantage

- You are a creative writer and have keen language skills

- You are well-organised, curious, a fast learner and proactive team player

- You can show appropriate sensitivity and consideration while working with potentially traumatised people.

You are currently:

a) enrolled at a German University or University of Applied Sciences,

b) are in between your Bachelor and Master studies

During the internship you are based in Leipzig

What we offer:

- A chance to be a part of an international team that stands up for media freedom every day

- An insight and active involvement in the different working fields of ECPMF, including protection, advocacy and communications

- Hands-on experience in a small, dynamic NGO operating across Europe

- Interested?

Great! We’re looking forward to your application. Please send us your cover letter and resume by 23h59 CEST 14th of August and tell us why we should choose you, via journalistsinresidence@ecpmf.eu Please put Internship Policy and Programmes in the email subject.

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