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10. 09. 2019.
Научите како да проверите да ли је вест коју желите да објавите лажна – пријаве новинара на радионицу до 16. септембра
Из Google News Lab у Београд долази Марек Милер (Marek Miller) који ће одржати радионицу на тему онлајн провере података и вести. Радионица је намењена новинарима, трајаће два сата и биће одржана 19. септембра, на енглеском језику, у Прес центру УНС-а у Београду, с почетком у 11 сати.
Предавач ће говорити о примерима објављених лажних вести у онлајн медијима и њиховим друштвеним мрежама, ситуацијама које су се заиста догодиле новинарима, као и о начинима да се провери тачност информација, вести и видеа коришћењем бесплатних онлајн алата.
Новинаре који говоре енглески језик и желе да буду учесници радионице молимо да се до 16. септембра пријаве на имејл ana.petronijevic@uns.rs
Радионицу организују Удружење новинара Србије и антикорупцијски сајт Пиштаљка.
Више о радионици и предавачу прочитајте у наставку на енглеском језику.
Topic of the workshop: factchecking & news verification. Duration: ca. 2 hours. Language: English.
The workshop is a showcase reel of examples of bigger fake news and situations that actually happened to journalists, were published in newsportals or on their social media sites. I will be showing how to verify information, news, and video using various free online tools. In particular I will be focusing on:
- reverse image search
- Google Maps and Google Earth
- Google Translate
- YouTube
- other free online tools very handy for news verification such as: picodash, who.is, forensically, the wayback machine, suncalc, video news debunker, and others.
The key are the case studies - real examples of light and more serious situations that happened in media and were or could be verified with these tools. The workshop is an eye-opener to those worried about the future of journalism as well as those who still think fake news is just another buzz word.
Marek Miller, Teaching Fellow at Google News Lab. He has been working in the media and journalism field for almost 15 years. For a large part of this time he worked for one of the largest regional publishers in Poland (Polska Press Group), and therefore had a chance to witness Polish newspapers’ digital transformation process from the inside from the very beginning. For many years he’s been cooperating with the Dallas-based media organisation INMA (International News Media Association).
He worked for Poland’s audit bureau of circulation (ZKDP) where he organised conferences and workshops for journalists, and was the editor-in-chief of a media industry website Prasa.info (not existing now) that was aspiring to be the leading information source for Polish journalists about the media market. He cooperated with Poland’s leading publisher Agora (Gazeta Wyborcza) in organising a number of journalists orientated events in Warsaw. As a media journalist he contributes for the leading media industry magazine in Poland “Press”. In 2017 he was a Coaching and Leadership Fellow at the Poynter’s Institute in Florida.
Privately he is a loving father of two daughters, and a huge fan of technology, media, and journalism.
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