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29. 09. 2018.

Извор: USAID

Позив за Engaging Content Grant


USAID's “Balkan Media Assistance Program (BMAP)”

Engaging Content Grants (ECG), Cycle 1

Publication Date:  28th September 2018.

Deadline for Applications: 28th  October 2018. (30 days)

USAID’s BMAP goal is to make media in the Western Balkans more competitive in the local and regional marketplaces and strengthen the sustainability of the independent media sector across the region, particularly in the digital space. In the “attention economy,” where media outlets that are able to attract and hold audiences’ attention are the most likely to bring in profits, the temptation to produce sensationalized stories that provoke an emotional reaction (and thus generate a lot of shares and comments) is high. Reaching out to new audiences, finding out what their information needs and interests are, and building trust with them can be a time-consuming and expensive process. But this kind of interaction between  journalists and the public is especially critical when trust in media is dropping and it’s increasingly easy for anyone to produce eye-catching content.

USAID’s BMAP aims to stimulate the production of highly engagingquality digital content that will help local media expand their audiences and build trust with the public while reporting on public interest issues in innovative, interactive ways. To this end, we are seeking applications for Engaging Content Grants (ECG).

All details about the Call (eligibility; procedure) and application form you can find  at: https://usaidbmapecg.wordpress.com/2018/09/28/engaging-content-grants/

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