27. 07. 2018.
UNS: Velika Britanija da omogući Asanžu odlazak u zemlju koja ga prihvati
Udruženje novinara Srbije (UNS) poziva srpsku i međunarodnu javnost na solidarnost sa osnivačem Vikiliksa Džulijanom Asanžom, kom preti gubitak azila u Ambasadi Ekvadora u Londonu, koja mu je već uskratila korišćenje Interneta i mogućnost da u zgradi Ambasade prima posetioce.
UNS podseća da je radna grupa Ujedinjenih nacija još pre dve godine ocenila da se Asanž nalazi u „arbitrarnom pritvoru“ za koji su odgovorne Velika Britanija i Švedska, da taj pritvor treba okončati i da osnivač Vikiliksa treba da ima pravo na odštetu.
UNS poziva Veliku Britaniju da Asanžu garantuje da ga neće izručiti Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, kao i da mu da pravo slobodnog prolaza do zemlje koja pristane da mu ukaže gostoprimstvo.
UNS podseća da je Asanžu 2011. godine, povodom Međunarodnog dana slobode medija, dodelilo nagradu „Zora“ za slobodu medija. Asanž je prvi stranac kom je ovo Udruženje, jedno od nastarijih novinarskih udruženja na svetu, osnovano 1881. godine, dodelilo nagradu.
U obrazloženju je pisalo da su Asanž i njegove kolege iz Vikiliksa „dali istorijski doprinos pravu građana širom sveta da znaju. Države imaju pravo da štite svoje tajne, ali Džulijan Asanž je na delu dokazao zašto novinari ne smeju da im u tome pomažu”.
JAS: UK to Grant Assange Free Passage to a Country That Will Take Him In
The Journalists' Association of Serbia (JAS) pleads with the Serbian and international public to stand in solidarity with the Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, whose asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London is under threat, who has had his internet access revoked and who has been banned from receiving guests in the Embassy's premises.
JAS would like to remind the public that two years ago the UN working group stated Assange was "arbitrarily detained", for which the United Kingdom and Sweden are considered responsible, and that the said detainment should cease, while allowing the Wikileaks founder to seek damages for his predicament.
JAS asks the United Kingdom to provide guarantees that it will not extradite Assange to the United States of America, as well as that it will grant him free and safe passage to a country that agrees to take him in.
JAS would like to remind the public that in 2011 it presented Assange with the "Zora" (in English, Dawn) award on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day. Assange was the very first foreign national to whom one of the oldest journalists' associations in the world founded in 1881 - the Journalists' Association of Serbia, presented an award.
In its rationale behind this award, JAS stated that Assange and his Wikileaks colleagues "have given a historic contribution to the right of citizens to know. Countries have a right to protect their secrets, but Julian Assange, by example, has shown why journalists cannot help them in exercising this right".
Komentari (1)
ostavi komentar27.07.
Bravo, poen za UNS i slobodu govora.