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09. 10. 2024.

Autor: ECPMF Izvor: ECPMF

ECPMF raspisuje konkurs za tromesečno stažiranje

Evropski centar za slobodu štampe i medija (The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom) raspisuje konkurs za tromesečno stažiranje koje podrazumeva aktivno uključivanje u aktivnosti rezidencijalnog programa novinara, kao i redovnu saradnju sa komunikacionim timom. Prijave traju do 26. oktobra.

Sledi poziv za stažiranje na engleskom jeziku.

Job description

Are you passionate about journalism, media freedom, and human rights? Do you thrive in a dynamic, international environment? If so, we have an exciting opportunity for you!
This internship is a part of a project funded by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). It includes an active involvement in the activities of the Journalists-in-Residence Programme, as well as regular cooperation with the communications team.


  • Assisting the Journalists-in-Residence programme team
  • Help organising language courses and professional workshops for the journalists-in-residence
  • Contribution to the production of interviews with journalists-in-residence
  • Contribution to other communications tasks

Your profile

  • You are interested in journalism, media freedom and human rights
  • You are studying in a field such as journalism, human rights studies, political sciences or European studies, law, communications and media studies, or history
  • You are fluent in English and have a working knowledge of German. Other languages including Russian and Turkish are an advantage
  • You are a creative writer and have keen language skills
  • You are well-organised, curious, a fast learner and proactive team player
  • You can show appropriate sensitivity and consideration while working with potentially traumatised people.
      • You are currently:
        1. enrolled at a German University or University of Applied Sciences,
        2. are in between your Bachelor and/or Master studies
        3. During the internship you are based in Leipzig

What you can expect from us

  • A chance to be a part of an international team that stands up for media freedom every day
  • An insight and active involvement in the different working fields of ECPMF, including protection, advocacy and communications
  • Hands-on experience in a dynamic NGO operating across Europe

Application Deadline: 26. October 2024
Start of the internship: 15. November 2024
Length of internship: 3 months, full-time (40h/week)
Allowance: 520 Euro

About us

The European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF) is a non-profit organisation that was founded in Leipzig, Germany, 2015. It operates on the basis of  the European Charter on Freedom of the Press and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

The vision of the Centre is a society where media freedom enables open discourse and everyone can seek, receive and impart information.

ECPMF’s mission is to promote, preserve and defend media freedom. We do this by monitoring violations, providing practical support and engaging diverse stakeholders across Europe.

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