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15. 08. 2011.

Бесплатан е-тренинг Course in Covering Global Religious Conflict

Бесплатан онлајн курс извештавања о глобалним верским конфликтима

Током курса учесници ће учити о различитим темама које се баве питањима истраживања узрока верских сукоба широм света , као и објективног извештавања.

Рок за пријављивање на конкурс је 21. септембар 2011. године.

Више информација о конкурсу и начину пријаве погледајте овде.

Training Type: Instructor-Led Online
Target Audience: Open to all journalists
Participants will learn how to
1) Explore coverage of religious conflict around the world, sharing a wide range of professional approaches.
2) Examine up-to-the-minute case studies of religious conflict from the Middle East to West Africa to Europe to the United States. The seminar will be flexible in responding to the latest news related to religion demanding the world’s attention. Several examples of international reporting and online conversations will challenge participants to become the best in the field in understanding and writing about religious tensions.
3) Receive objective tools for covering conflict through access to sources and the latest international research. Online tutorials will offer step-by-step help to guide reporters to relevant data.
4) Explore the political cultural and economic - as well as the religious – reasons for conflicts that are often too narrowly defined in one category. Particular attention will be paid to objective indicators of religious freedom. 5) Discuss ethical issues in reporting on conflict, from the need to tell all sides of a story to the practical concerns of reporters’ personal and job safety in challenging editorial and cultural attitudes in their own countries.
6) Explore the importance of the careful choice of language in describing religious groups and issues.
7) Develop collegial partnerships for international reporters to work together.

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