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11. 06. 2010.

Awards: Media Reporting on Development

Provocative and Original Stories (To view this announcement online, please see
http://www.comminit.com/en/node/318253/2754 or go directly to
http://groups.comminit.com/node/318017 )

The Institute of Development Studies (IDS -http://www.comminit.com/redirect.cgi?m=43aa03f46cdfe63f5184b31300f6ff68) invites entries for their first awards for reporting on internationaldevelopment, soliciting compelling alternative narratives and critiques andencouraging discussion on development issues and processes. Journalistsfrom around the world are requested to submit their best articles, newspieces, critiques, and editorials that focus on poverty alleviation,democracy and governance, rights, health, and other Millennium Development Goals.

There will be 3 awards: one of UKP 500, and two of UKP 250.

Deadline for submission of articles is July 9th 2010.

In order to participate either by submitting a story or commenting onstories submitted by others, please go to The Communication Initiative's Development Networks Group "Awards: Media Reporting on Development" (http://groups.comminit.com/node/318017).

Application information

Journalists must register and join The Communication Initiative'sDevelopment Networks Group "Awards: Media Reporting on Development" (http://groups.comminit.com/node/318017) in order to participate in thisawards process.

Submissions will be open for comments/critique by other members of the"Awards: Media Reporting on Development" Group (http://groups.comminit.com/node/318017).

Submissions will be judged and selected for prizes by a group of IDSresearch fellows, board members, and communication staff.


1. Type: The article submitted must have been published in some print oronline media form (newspaper, journal, magazine, etc.) in the period from Jan 1 2009 through May 30 2010.

2. Content: The article must have a focus on a recognisable developmentissue (e.g., poverty, health, rights) or a recognisable development process(e.g., participation, advocacy, policy development, system strengthening).

3. Perspective: There should be a prominent focus within the piece on thevoices of those most affected and/or those engaged in the developmentprocess or issue that is the focus of the piece. The piece will also bejudged based on originality of perspective.

4. Relevance: The piece must show the ability to locate the specificdevelopment issue or process being reported within overall national orglobal development dynamics.

5. Reportage: There must be a high standard of journalism demonstratedwithin the piece.

6. Quality: The writing must be of a high standard.


Beginning June 9th 2010, journalists will be Invited to join the Communication Initiative's Development Networks Group "Awards: Reporting onInternational Development" (http://groups.comminit.com/node/318017) and tosubmit the stories that they wish to have assessed.

Between June 9th and July 9th 2010, journalists can Submit their work as Posts to the Group, with brief outlines in the posts themselves and theirstories attached as PDFs or links to online versions of the full stories.

During this time, other members of the Group will be able to Comment onthese stories - in order to both inform the judges' deliberations andencourage a process of mutual support and guidance.

The Decisions on the award winners will be made by the IDS-convened judgesgroup between July 10th and July 16th 2010.

The winners will be announced on or just after July 19th 2010.The Top 10 outstanding stories will be featured within The CommunicationInitiative process after the awards are announced.

For more information, contact:

Deborah Heimann
The Communication Initiative

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