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24. 10. 2024.

Аутор: BIRN Извор: BIRN

Отворен позив БИРН-а за стипендију о дигиталним правима и слободама за 2024.

Балканска истраживачка мрежа (БИРН) објављује други позив за Стипендију о дигиталним правима и слободама за 2024. Ова иницијатива је осмишљена да подржи и менторише новинаре и медијске куће у производњи истраживачких прича које наглашавају и решавају критичне изазове кршења дигиталних права. Рок за пријаву је 11. новембар 2024. године.

Следи позив на енглеском језику.

Empowering Journalism in the Digital Age

Awarded journalists will have a unique opportunity to collaborate closely with BIRN editors and our specialized digital rights team. As part of the fellowship, you will gain access to BIRN’s comprehensive monitoring database along with other valuable resources to support your investigative work. This collaboration is designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge necessary to delve deep into digital rights issues and produce impactful journalism. Ultimately, your written content, upon editors’ approval,  will be showcased as a long-form investigative piece in one of the BIRN’s channels (including but not limited to Balkan Insight, BIRD, local BIRN websites), offering a platform for amplifying your work with the aim to  inform and engage a wide audience.

What We Offer

  • Grants of EUR 1,000 for individual journalists or collaborative teams, intended to support six months of research focused on in-depth storytelling related to digital rights and freedoms.
  • On-the-job mentoring from BIRN editors and our Digital Rights Support Team, plus a two-day online training session to hone your investigative skills.
  • Networking opportunities with like-minded journalists and tech researchers across the region, building a network of professionals dedicated to safeguarding digital rights.

Who Can Apply?

  • Professional journalists and tech researchers, both individuals and teams, from media outlets from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey.
  • Previous participants of BIRN’s training are especially encouraged to apply.
  • We welcome cross-border team applications to foster regional collaboration.

Application Process

To apply for the Digital Rights and Freedoms Project Fellowship, please use this ECR form to submit your application. Ensure you include:

  • detailed proposal outlining your intended story or investigation, focusing on its relevance, originality, and potential impact.
  • Your professional CV, with an emphasis on your past work in journalism or digital rights research.
  • A declaration form, affirming the authenticity of the information provided and your commitment to the project’s ethical standards.

BIRN will also organise an information session on 5 November 2024 at 13:00 (CET), and registration is open. Register HERE.

Submission Deadline: November 11, 2024

Selection Criteria

Applications will be evaluated based on:

  • Relevance and significance of the proposed story
  • Feasibility and originality
  • Applicant’s professional qualifications and experience

A committee established by BIRN’s editorial team and an external professional will review the proposals.

Contact Us

For more information, please contact applications@birnnetwork.org.

Join us in our mission to defend digital rights and freedoms. Apply now for the second round of Digital Rights and Freedoms Project Fellowship 2024!

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