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13. 08. 2014.

УНДП тражи предавача за друштвене мреже и писање на вебу

УНДП Србија тражи тренера који би радио са око 30 новинара и професионалаца из невладиних организација на тему друштвене мреже и писање за веб. Рок за конкурисање је 24. август 2014. године. Преносимо позив у целости на енглеском језику.

Terms of Reference

Title:                            Trainer on Social Media and Writing for the Web

Project:                        Advancing Accountability Mechanisms in Public Finance;

Reporting to:                Portfolio Manager

Duty Station:                Belgrade

Contract Type:              Individual Contract (IC)

Duration:                      6 working days within September 2014




  1. Purpose

 To prepare and deliver training on Social Media and Writing for the Web to journalists and NGO professionals;

  1. Objective

 To enable journalists to investigate and write evidence based articles about the corruption and public spending using the social media

  1. Background Information

In 2012, UNDP Serbia has adapted the various successful models of investigative journalism done through the NGOs, creating a UNDP methodology of joining investigative journalists and NGOs to monitor public finances. This methodology was successfully tested in Serbia in 2013, when three NGOs were using techniques of investigative journalism to investigate and report through social media on corruption. Some 40 investigative stories and blogs were published in the course of six months. The most prominent stories were picked up by mainstream media and resulted in government reactions that saw respective ministries file criminal complaints based on the findings of given stories.

In 2014, UNDP Serbia, through the “Advancing Accountability Mechanisms in Public Finances” project, is upscaling this initiative to cover all regions of Serbia. A series of grants have been provided to NGOs for practical work in the field, while a sustainable (including online) platform will be established in order to provide access to comparative practices of civil society in the region. Grants will, among others, be provided for modelling an innovative approach to investigative journalism that UNDP has successfully piloted in Serbia. Following the example of Pulitzer winning Propublica[1], investigative journalists will be placed in NGOs, by-passing the often interest-based editorial policies of mainstream media. In addition, journalists will be trained in the newest social networking skills to ensure that their findings exploit increased popularity of social media and its enormous potential and in accordance with that to reach a large audience.

UNDP Serbia is looking for a trainer who will provide training to approximately 30 journalists and NGO professionals on Social Media and Writing for the Web to ensure that their investigative endeavours become broadly accessible.  

Duties and Responsibilities

 a.         Scope of Work

The trainer should explain what writing style to use for a specific audience. Training participants should have hands-on writing of news and stories i.e. headlines, teasers, leads and full texts, In addition, the trainer should present the concept and philosophy of writing and publishing using the social media. At the end of the training, the trainer should support the participants in developing a roadmap (i.e. "where to from here").

Suggested training modules for writing for the web are:

  • How do people read on the web? (what research shows – usability and eye-tracking studies)
  • Key principles of writing for the web
  • Writing titles, teasers, leads and quotes on the web
  • Structuring and formatting text for the web
  • Exercises – texts from the Serbian web recomposed
  • Language style for the web
  • Narrative structures for the web

Suggested training modules for the social media are:

  • Latest social media trends and technologies; advantages and disadvantages
  • Blog as an effective tool for spreading investigative stories: most important Blogging tips
  • How to use Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Instagram and YouTube to its maximum capabilities for investigative stories


b.         Deliverables and Timeline



Preparatory material for the training submitted and accepted by UNDP

To be submitted 5 days before the scheduled date of the training;

Training delivered

2 days (September 2014);

Training report, stipulating achievements and lessons learned, prepared and accepted by UNDP

5 days after completion of a training;

 All outputs provided by the trainer have to be quality reviewed and accepted by the UNDP Portfolio Manager.


  • Demonstrated experience in Social Media and Writing for the Web trainings;
  • Demonstrated experience in the provision of trainings;
  • Demonstrated prior experience in working with journalists;
  • Demonstrated experience in working with social media tools, such as Facebook and Twitter;
  • Superior communication and interpersonal skills;


  • University degree in journalism or communications;
  • At least 5 years of experience in practicing journalism, new media, blogging, online media;
  • Strong twitter profile, strong profiles in other social media will be considered a strong asset;
  • Knowledge of English and Serbian;

 Application Procedure: 

The following are steps for on-line application:

Submit the application (as listed below) via UNDP web site www.undp.org.rs under the heading “Work with us/Vacancies”:

Interested individual consultants must submit the following information to demonstrate their qualifications:

1. Proposal:

(i)  Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work

     (ii) Providing all social media profiles

2. Financial proposal

3. Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references in the form of P11

The above information should be included in the following documents:

  • Offeror’s Letter to UNDP confirming Interest and availability for the Individual Contractor (IC) Assignment. Document can be downloaded at the following link: UNDP Serbia Official Website | Jobs. (only PDF will be accepted).
  • Updated and signed P11 (PDF format) containing e-mail contacts of three referees to be indicated in P11 that may be could be found at: UNDP Serbia Official Website | Jobs.

Additional Information:

Engagement of Government Officials and Employees

  • Government Officials or Employees are civil servants of UN Member States.  As such, if they will be engaged by UNDP under an IC which they will be signing in their individual capacity (i.e., engagement is not done through RLA signed by their Government employer), the following conditions must be met prior to the award of contract:  

(i)       A “No-objection” letter in respect of the individual is received from the Government employing him/her, and;

(ii)     The individual must provide an official documentation from his/her employer formally certifying his or her status as being on “official leave without pay” for the duration of the IC. 

  • The above requirements are also applicable to Government-owned and controlled enterprises and well as other semi/partially or fully owned Government entities, whether or not the Government ownership is of majority or minority status.
  • UNDP recognizes the possibility that there are situations when the Government entity employing the individual that UNDP wishes to engage is one that allows its employees to receive external short-term consultancy assignments (including but not limited to research institutions, state-owned colleges/universities, etc.), whereby a status of “on-leave-without-pay” is not required.  Under such circumstance, the individual entering into an IC with UNDP must still provide a “No-objection” letter from the Government employing him/her.  The “no objection” letter required under (i) above must also state that the employer formally certifies that their employees are allowed to receive short-term consultancy assignment from another entity without being on “leave-without-pay” status, and include any conditions and restrictions on granting such permission, if any.  The said document may be obtained by, and put on record of, UNDP, in lieu of the document (ii) listed above.

Preuzeto sa http://www.undp.org.rs/jobs_new.html


Коментари (5)

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Novinar [нерегистровани] у 19:37

Re: Naučite engelski

Prestanite s nesuvislim komentarima. Očito je da ne znate engleski, a da samim tim niste ni za ovaj posao. Jasno je da je uslov da trener zna engleski, ako ga ne zna, ne treba ni da čita oglas. Kakva agresivmo, ksenofobičn, bespotrebno ponašanje! Pozicija je očito internacionalna, i izveštaj se piše na engleskom. Srećno Vam bilo!




neobavesteni [нерегистровани] у 18:14

U Srbiji se govori SRPSKI

Objavljivanje oglasa na engleskom, samo znaci da je porobljavanje - politivcko, ekonomsko, mentalno, kulturno i svako drugo, u zavrsnoj fazi. Naravno, prvo strati medije. Uspesno to ide.




TrlaBabaLan [нерегистровани] у 17:03


Ocekujem da ce i ovaj posao dobiti neko preko veze, tako da ne vidim zasto uopste da konkurisem.




Ih [нерегистровани] у 16:31


Da li je ovaj komentar moguc?! Poenta je da neki novinar dobije posao i odrzi radionicu. Da zaradi novac za ono sto je naucio u redakciji, a mimo redovnog posla. Ako bi se ovo prevodilo, trebalo bi jedan dan i vise. A koja je svrha, kada onaj koji radi, verovatno mora da zna engleski i da na engleskom izvestava o tome sta ce i kako raditi, i sta je i kako uradio.




Кактус [нерегистровани] у 11:15

Коми фо, коми фа, ето нове УНДП министарке

У чему је смисао објављивања опвог огласа, на енглеском? Да се засени простота? Могао је УНДП да га постави на свој сајт. Узгред, зашто УНС није превео оглас на српски? Ако дневне новине пристају на понижавајући однос и објављују плаћене огласе на страном језику, УНС то не мопра да чини, јер, верујем, да УНДП-у није наплатио објављивање овог огласа на енглеском.


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