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30. 01. 2024.

Извор: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands/Cartoon Movement

Отворен конкурс за најбоље илустрације о слободи медија

Министарство спољних послова Холандије и Покрет карикатуриста (Cartoon Movement) позивају све илустраторе, карикатуристе и друге уметнике са Западног Балкана да пошаљу радове који се односе на слободу медија. Заинтересовани радове могу послати до 1. марта у 23.59 сати.

Позив преносимо у наставку текста:

Media freedom cartoon competition

Cartoon Movement and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands invite cartoonists, illustrators and artists from the Western Balkans to send in their work for a regional cartoon competition and exhibition with the theme Media freedom.

Media freedom is a vital component of a functioning democracy. Reliable reporting and investigative journalism inform citizens about what is going on in society and inside government, forming the basis of a healthy public debate. Cartoonists, who use their pencils to hold power accountable and to expose injustice, power abuse and corruption, cannot do their work without this freedom.

We are looking for cartoons that visualize the importance of media freedom and the value of independent journalism. 

Rules of Participation                                                        

1. Cartoonists can submit work that is unpublished, or work that has been published before.

2. The cartoons should reflect the theme media freedom and the value of press freedom for the public debate.

3. Cartoons that contain hate speech or discrimination will not be accepted.

4. Cartoons can be in black and white or in color, and can be created using any technique.

5. Cartoons must be sent in via email to cartoons@cartoonmovement.com.

6. Cartoon size must not exceed A3 at 300dpi, in PNG or JPG format.

7. Each cartoonist can send in a maximum of three works.

8. Participants must include the following in their submission:

Full name & address

Email & telephone number

Short bio (max. 250 words)

9. The deadline of the competition is Friday March 1 2024, 23:59 GMT. 


1. A professional jury will convene in March 2024 to select cartoons for the exhibition and to determine the winners.

2. The first prize winner will receive €1000 and a certificate.

3. The second prize winner will receive €500 and a certificate.

4. Cartoonists selected for the exhibition will receive a certificate.

6. Winners and artists of selected works will be informed by April 10, 2024. 


1. The participant must certify and warrant that the submitted cartoon(s) does not violate the rights of a third party or any copyright. The competition organization is not responsible for intellectual property violations that might have resulted through the submissions of cartoons.

2. Copyright of the submitted cartoons will remain with the artist.

3. Cartoonists grant Cartoon Movement and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands a non-commercial and non-exclusive license to use the submitted work(s) in exhibitions and other publications, print and digital.

Цео позив доступан је на сајту Cartoon Movement.

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Коментаре које се односе на уређивачку политику можете послати на адресу unsinfo@uns.org.rs

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