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Goranka Matic: Momir loved photography and Kosovo

13. 07. 2018.

Goranka Matic: Momir loved photography and Kosovo

Momir Stokuca loved photography. He loved Kosovo. Carried away by one of few free media in the early 90's, the weekly "Vreme" he decided to offer his photos to this magazine ...

Murder of journalist Momir Stokuca in Pristina  - 19 years without investigation

11. 07. 2018.

Murder of journalist Momir Stokuca in Pristina - 19 years without investigation

UNMIK police received a call that something was happening in Djura Jaksic Street 15 in Pristina. On the evening of September 21, 1999, they responded to the call. A side door ...

Jan Braathu:  EFJ Resolution on Investigation of Murders of Journalists in Kosovo Is Great Success of Journalists’ Community

23. 06. 2018.

Jan Braathu: EFJ Resolution on Investigation of Murders of Journalists in Kosovo Is Great Success of Journalists’ Community

Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo Jan Braathu has visited the Journalists’ Association of Serbia (UNS) today. At a meeting with the UNS Secretary General Nino Brajovic and ...

Jan Braathu, Head of OSCE Mission in Kosovo: It is important to double up efforts to investigate murders and kidnappings of journalists in Kosovo

08. 06. 2018.

Jan Braathu, Head of OSCE Mission in Kosovo: It is important to double up efforts to investigate murders and kidnappings of journalists in Kosovo

"The Specialist Chambers (Kosovo War Crimes Court) has a specific mandate and I am not sure to what extent it will look at cases of kidnapped and murdered journalists. These ...

Motion on investigations of murders of journalists in Kosovo

06. 06. 2018.

Motion on investigations of murders of journalists in Kosovo

The Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Journalists, meeting in Lisbon, Portugal on June 6-7, 2018 ...

Intelligence interests involved in the investigation of the murder of journalist Enver Maloku

05. 06. 2018.

Intelligence interests involved in the investigation of the murder of journalist Enver Maloku

The KFOR intelligence service denided to transfer the documents about the murder of journalist Enver Maloku to the UNMIK Central Intelligence Unit and Investigative Unit ...

For the seventh time journalists are going to set the plaque - We are looking for them

15. 05. 2018.

For the seventh time journalists are going to set the plaque - We are looking for them

While preforming their work assignment, from January 1 to September 1998, 12 journalists and translators were attacked in Kosovo, two were kidnapped, and the professor, interpreter ...

New findings of the UNS on the murder of journalist Xhemail Mustafa: EULEX knows who is responsible?

30. 04. 2018.

New findings of the UNS on the murder of journalist Xhemail Mustafa: EULEX knows who is responsible?

Members of the EULEX who were investigating the murder of journalist Xhemail Mustafa considered the behind that assassination is Nazim Bllaca, a paid killer, and today the ...

Professor and translator Shaban Hoti is 15th on the list of killed and kidnapped journalists and media workers in Kosovo

23. 04. 2018.

Professor and translator Shaban Hoti is 15th on the list of killed and kidnapped journalists and media workers in Kosovo

Shaban Hoti, professor of Russian language, translator and media worker, was captured and then killed, as part of the Russian State Television team, which in July of 1998 ...

Will the AP photo made in Albania help in the investigation of the disappearance of Ljubomir Knezevic?

01. 04. 2018.

Will the AP photo made in Albania help in the investigation of the disappearance of Ljubomir Knezevic?

In January 2011, Milena Parlic saw the article on the BBC web portal published in May 2010, and supplemented by the Associated Press photo (AP) ...