УНС вести
25. 04. 2010.
УНС тражи помоћ од српских власти и међународних организација због уништавања опреме медија на КиМ
Удружење новинара Србије обратило се јуче поводом уништавања опреме телевизијских и радио станица на КиМ које емитују програм на српском језику Председнику Србије, Председнику Владе и надлежним министарствима, као и Међународној федерацији новинара, организацији SEEMO и шефу EULEX-a Иву де Кермабону.
Српским властима упућена су оба реаговања УНС-а:
- УНС са ДНКиМ: Хитно прекинути насиље над српским медијима на КиМ
- ЕУЛЕКС и косовске институције да омогуће информисање на српском језику
Председница УНС-а Љиљана Смајловић тим поводом упутила је писмо Међународној федерацији новинара (ИФЈ), организацији SEEMO и шефу EULEX-a и затражила да заједно са УНС-ом осуде уништавање имовине легалних емитера на КиМ који свој програм емитују на српском језику, као и да помогну обнављање уништене опреме.
Belgrade, April 24, 2010
On behalf of the Journalists' Association of Serbia, I am seeking your assistance and support for KOSMA (Kosovo Media Association), a small network of radio stations operating in Serbian enclaves in central Kosovo and broadcasting program in Serbian,as well as Televisions Herc and Puls . KOSMA's transmission equipment was destroyed yesterday by employees of Kosovo's regulatory telecommunications agency. Television
Puls in Silovo, a TV station station broadcasting program in Serbian for residentsof Serb enclaves in Kosovo, also had its transmission equipment destroyed today by the same Kosovo agency. The same happened to the Regional TV station Herc from Strpci, an enclave of 12,000 Serb residents.
All the stations mentioned above operate with valid licences and are registered with UNMIK, the United Nations Mission in Kosovo. In addition, KOSMA had its electricity generator destroyed, a piece of equipment worth 10,000 euros, which is a fortune forthe small network.
The destruction of transmitters was undertaken with the rationale of shutting down unlawful providers of mobile phone services, we are told by Kosovo officials.Regardless of the exact nature of the dispute between mobile phone providers and the Governments of Serbia and Kosovo, surely there is a larger issue at stake here.
The Journalists' Association of Serbia holds that these acts of destruction represent a violation of the basic rights of Serbs in Kosovo: they deprive of access to information in their own language. Surely a solution to outstanding problems can be found without resort to vandalism of property of private TV and radio stations, and/or attacks on freedom of information for all the people in Kosovo, Serbs included.
I implore you to take an interest in this matter and to help these stations and their journalists restore their property and their rights. JAS has issued several urgent protests today, alerting all the institutions in Serbia to the plight of the listeners and viewers of KOSMA, Herc and Puls. We feel, however, our protests would carry more weight if you added your voice to ours.
Ljiljana Smajlovic
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