Остали конкурси
26. 12. 2024.
GIJN тражи идеје за сесије које ће бити одржане на конференцији истраживачког новинарства
Глобална мрежа истраживачког новинарства (GIJN) тражи идеје за сесије за Глобалну конференцију истраживачког новинарства 2025. године (GIJN25). Kонференција ће се одржати од 20. до 24. новембра 2025. у Kуала Лумпуру.
Заинтересовани говорници могу да пријаве теме за панеле, радионице и друге презентације. Предложене сесије треба да буду засноване на вештинама – фокусиране на алате, технике и упутства истраживачког новинарства и новинарства података.
Идеје за сесију морају бити поднете на енглеском језику.
Продужени рок за пријаву је 19. јануар 2025. године.
Следи позив на енглеском језику.
The next Global Investigative Journalism Conference is scheduled for November 20–24, 2025 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at the world-class Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. The conference will be co-hosted by the Global Investigative Journalism Network and our local partner, Malaysiakini, which has been one of country’s few independent newsrooms for the past 25 years.
In the spirit of creating the best conference for investigative journalists, GIJC25 is now looking for great ideas for its sessions. Have an exciting proposal in mind? Fill in the form below by no later than January 19, 2025, and our conference committee will consider them.
A few thoughts to keep in mind: GIJCs are training conferences, with a laser-like focus on investigative tools and techniques. We want conference sessions that are skills-based, so that journalists from around the world leave with new knowledge and know-how.
Here’s what we don’t want: No “war stories” about how great your past stories were. No policy discussions. And the sessions need to be balanced, by both gender and geography, with a focus on ensuring representation from the Global South.
We have three main types of sessions:
- Panels (usually with three speakers and a moderator);
- Workshops (smaller sessions usually taught by one or two trainers);
- Networking Sessions (informal meet-ups based on language, region, or topic).
For examples of past successful sessions, refer to our programs for GIJC13, GIJC15, GIJC17, GIJC19, GIJC21, and GIJC23.
We expect GIJC25 to be one of the largest-ever international gathering of investigative journalists. Here’s your opportunity to help shape the conference and make it a memorable event. Thanks in advance for your help, and see you in Kuala Lumpur!
Note: The working language of the conference is English, so the proposed speakers should speak and understand English. Please submit all ideas in English. GIJN will soon launch its GIJC25 fellowship program. If you think you qualify, please consider applying.
Fill out this form to recommend ideas for panels, workshops, or speakers.
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